Mumbai and its people are inseparable. Indistinguishable from each other, they are both beautiful, and they colored my show in their own beautiful colors.

They entered, then slowed down to spend time with each of the works on display; some found me and told me about what they felt through the paintings that connected with them, a gentleman spent a couple of hours sketching from the paintings; Mr. Ravindra Pande, an eminent art-critic who once used to write for the Indian Express sat down with me to share his feelings and understand mine; An artist told me that in the last two decades, he hadn’t felt all that he felt through my show; a young girl didn’t leave with her family and stayed back to spend time with the paintings…

These moments, make it all worthwhile.

Art Shows are surreal. They exist in the twilight zone between the humdrum and the crazy. They are sublime…and art sometimes is a slow burn. It returns to remind you of things that you didn’t realize when you stood in front of it…and then you want to feel it some more.

Sharing a few pictures (You can check out some more on my Instagram.)

Painting: Pearls - 3 ft by 6 ft by Shafali R. Anand - Solo Show @ the Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Mumbai, India.

Painting: Pearls – 3 ft by 6 ft by Shafali R. Anand – Solo Show @ the Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Mumbai, India.

Art Exhibition by Shafali R. Anand - Solo Show @ the Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Mumbai, India.

Art Exhibition by Shafali R. Anand – Solo Show @ the Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Mumbai, India.