Shafali's World of Art

Tag Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an artist, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist, and thinker. He is best known for his painting “Mona Lisa,” and his egg-tempera technique. Vinci was ambidextrous and a mirror-writer, whose notebooks are filled with mirror-writing. His inquiring mind led him to exhume bodies so that he may study anatomy.

In 2017, three hundred years after his death, Leonardo da Vinci once again made waves when his Salvador Mundi painting sold for US$ 400 Million.


What was common between Leonardo Da Vinci and Claude Monet?

When we think of Leonardo Da Vinci and Claude Monet together, we see them as opposites. Here’s how the two artists were different. High Renaissance vs. Impressionism Carefree vs. Methodical Invisible brushstrokes vs. Highly visible brushstrokes Unmarried vs. Twice-married No… Continue Reading →

Admiration of an Artist vs. Admiration of Art.

An artist admires other artists as much as everyone else does. I do too. I’ve got a long list of artists I’ve admired, and there’s an even longer list of paintings and sculptures that take my breath away. That begs… Continue Reading →

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