Shafali's World of Art

Tag contemporary Indian artists

Solo show at the Visual Arts Gallery (12th to 16th December, 2024) started yesterday

My art show “Interlude” has started at the Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre in Delhi(December 12th to 16th, 2024.) I’d love to receive you there if you can find the time. Interlude presents about sixty of my works, including… Continue Reading →

Through the Looking Glass called Time.

Time has a way of changing our perception. Each new day drops a bunch of fresh experiences into the brew of our schema and changes our interpretations. What we saw when we looked at a work of art five years… Continue Reading →

Edgar Degas’s Love for Capturing Movement

Degas, forever caught between his loyalty to Classicism and his attraction to Impressionism was an artist who lived in the twilight zone that exists between darkness and light, stillness and movement…and it is in this space that he found his… Continue Reading →

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